A young girl watches her mummy proudly take to the streets to march for what she believes in. Mummy marches through the sunshine, through the rain and through the deepest snow, on her own or hand-in-hand with others, to give voice to causes that need to be heard. Inspired to join the next generation of young activists, her daughter dreams of marching alongside her. A joyful story celebrating the power of peaceful protest and the will to change things for the better.
Featured in LoveReading4Kids 2023 Preview: Brilliant Children's Books to Look Forward to This Year
Samantha Hawkins is a poet and essayist. She is a contributing writer to MadameNoire.com. Her work has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: I’m Speaking Now, a collection featuring stories and poems by African American women writers. She is based in Georgia, USA.
Cory Reid has a BA in Illustration from Loughborough University. He has worked in the creative industries for almost twenty years, starting as a greetings card designer before moving into children’s publishing. He is based in Northampton.
“The book discusses an empowering and empathetic theme of standing up for the world. The easy-to-read storyline and the beautiful, inclusive illustrations will resonate with young children. The inspiring story of a young girl's mommy told with whimsical illustrations makes this a perfect gift for children.”
“‘You should see my mommy when she marches,’ boasts a proud child in this inspiring picture book about taking a stand. Its messages applicable to a range of social justice situations, the story stands as an evergreen reminder that, when it comes to speaking truth, ‘sometimes you have to say it with your feet.’”
- Foreword Reviews
“A very positive evocation of the power of peaceful protest. Lively double page spreads convey power, love and inspiration for the next generation.”
- School Library Association